Is race preference racist?
You can’t answer this question because the term ‘‘racism’’ is popularized by Jewish Leon Trotsky. The original reason to use the term was to leverage its power which is what Trotsky did, and his adherents still do in 2023 and beyond.
With that out of the way, we can continue like adults.
It’s ingrained that racism can only come from white Christians. Even those who are aware of its political abuse are somewhat afraid to have racial preferences, much so let it be verbally known to friends and family. Blacks who prefer other blacks in the dating scene are empowered by the establishment and blue-haired liberals. Only whites i.e. Caucasians do not have the privilege to say this out loud about how they feel toward their own race unless it's negative.
Race preference is only racist by arbitrary standards made up by a Jew. To use the word racist before discussing race preference is already a lost cause because the vast majority believes in the definition in the previous paragraph. It’s best to not engage in this discussion at all because of the preconceived notion about the unsaid privileges non-whites have that whites don't.
Wanting your kids to look like you is natural. Who wouldn't want an identical copy of themselves? It's the only worldly way to live forever. To deny and actively destroy the possibility of marrying within your race is an attack on your identity. Without the latter, a nation is vulnerable when done on a mass scale as we're seeing in Western Europe.
Advertisements constantly barrage you with black-white interracial couples which is obviously a means to demoralize. In reality, these relationships do not last, in fact, few actually engage in African-European dating, much less marriage. But of course in contrast with the 19th century U.S.A., for example, there's a major boom of interracial relationships.
Quite remarkable that Asians are dramatically more likely to intermarry compared to whites and pretty much every other race. Remarkable because Asian countries experience almost zero Jewish-funded interracial propaganda compared to Westerners, yet they're the ones drinking the Kool-Aid. But knowing the general Asian mindset it would make sense. They're less concerned about transcendents, and much more pragmatic worldly pursuits. Dating a Westerner means ''dating up'' in the Asian world. Whether that is objectively true is a story for another time.
If we have to believe Pew Research, whites prefer to marry within their own race. This is problematic because it goes against the agenda of creating a technocratic monolithic, rootless culture. Whites are being targeted with ruthless race-mixing propaganda simply because a cohesive family unit isn't profitable.
Identifying solely as white is exactly where they want you to be so that they can use ''racism'' against you. Labeling you as a white supremacist strips you of any rights opposed to identifying with nationality and religion. But holding a personal racial preference isn't wrong. It should be encouraged without deluding yourself with genetic determinist idiocy because white and Jewish supremacy are two sides of the same coin. Implying there is no free will. Only race makes you a chosen one. Both are very similar in worldview. If genetic determinism is true there should be no laws holding blacks accountable for looting cities or Arabs massacring Europeans with AK-47s and running them over with trucks in Sweden. If race is everything, then we should have no problem with Jews running central banks and pornography. It's in their blood so they can't help themselves by that logic.