Muslim obssesion with Western culture.
Inferiority complex is a problem within Islamic circles. Do a Google search about it and there are countless articles and forum threads. Instead of not trying to seek external validation, they blame post-colonialism for feeling insecure about Islam. The Muslim and liberal share commonalities on this front because it scapegoats the white man.
‘‘Unfortunately, this is the mentality of some Muslims today. It’s a defeatist mentality, a remnant of the effects of colonialism, and the inferiority complex some Muslims have.’’ - Muslim Skeptic
‘‘Post-colonialism seeded the idea that our Western counterparts are somehow better. Although this may not be a conscious thought, it can manifest in our thinking and action in many ways. We can look at the lives and success of our Western peers and so easily be drawn into the fantasy that they have the upper edge in this Dunya. Sadly, left unattended this feeling can develop into an inferiority complex not just on an individual level, but an Ummah level as well.’’ - Productive Muslim
Islamic culture is awkwardly stuck between Western superiority and Far-East Asian economic progress. Westerners conquered the world, and invented infrastructure as you know it, virtually all media platforms and entertainment. The Chinese, South Koreans, and especially the Japanese produce electronics we use every day. Asian and Western influences permeate the globe, and the Middle East is no different.
Understanding Islam's place.
But all these influences that improve the comfort of the Muslims come from infidels while nothing of substantial value comes from Islam. Certainly not an invention the world depends on like the internet or running water. The Islamic world is still hung up on the Golden Age of Islam. A supposed era of marvelous scientific discoveries by Muslim scholars. A time of Arabic superiority over Byzantine and Persian barbarity. This fabricated ''Golden Age'' has been pushed since the Enlightenment as an attack on the Catholic church. Liberal academics and media still push this narrative to paint Christian culture as backward. Namely by defaming the Crusaders as a means to astroturf Islam while erasing the fundamental identity of Europeans.
In reality, there was an age of great learning during the rapid Muslim conquest after Muhammad's death in the 7th century. But scholarship wasn't by Muslims. Most, if not all of the administrative, scientific, and cultural progress was thanks to dhimmis. Second-class citizens who were Jews, Christians, or Persians. They operated under Arabic names which is misleading and an error of historians to categorize them as Muslims.
The Islamic Golden Age lasted from the 8th to the 14th century which is in parallel with the greatest conquest of Islam. The Ottoman Empire was the last great spurt of Islam which died after WWI. Even the Turks relied much on Orthodox Christians and captured Europeans to occupy high ranks in administration or the military.
The Ottoman Empire died in 1922 and with it true Islamic power. The Turks were the last Muslims who could fully enforce Sharia law and realistically annex non-Christian nations. For 101 years that hasn't happened again. This is devasting to Islam because jihad is core theology. Imagine Orthodox Christianity without a clergy. The religion would cease to exist which is technically the case with Islam.
Internet-induced embarrassment.
During the 14 centuries of Islamic warmongering, nothing notable came out of the Middle East, culture or science-wise. These last 30 decades (thanks to the internet) made that fact glaringly obvious. Before then, the general public had no idea what Muhammad taught. What the Sunnah or Quran are. It simply wasn't relevant because Europe never had to suffer mass migration of Muslims. The daily conflict between Muslims and Europeans forces non-Muslims to find out exactly why these Muhammadans behave so backward in modern times.
The Quran is Allah's perfect word. Exemplified in the life of Muhammad, the role model for every Muslim is the key source to understanding Islam. The Hadiths are very detailed about his life. From consummating marriage with a 9-year-old girl to praying in semen-stained clothing. Violent passages about Jews, Christians, and other infidels explain why Muslims are overrepresented in criminal statistics despite making up approximately 5% of the Dutch population. Rape, theft, robbery, and harassment are vastly perpetuated by Muslims because its core to their beliefs: Islam.
The average Joe doesn't need to read up on history to learn about Arabic culture because he is experiencing the fruits of their barbarism. Those poor European schmucks are well aware of violent tendencies from Morrocan and Turkish youth. No one is buying the media's positive portrayal of Muslims anymore because of personal experience and basic knowledge of Islam.
Muslim inferiority complex.
Imagine you're a 30-year-old Afghani Muslim refugee. You have lived your entire life in the city of Kandahar. The only contact with Western civilization you had was through the television and maybe a pair of Levi's jeans. You're completely oblivious to higher culture such as classical music, poetry, and state-of-the-art infrastructure. Not to mention, the superior architecture and general higher IQ people. The hypothetical Afghani is totally culture-shocked after disembarking from his Jewish NGO-funded boat. He is programmed to believe that Islam is superior to any culture. This belief comes from the doctrine that Muhammad is the last prophet. He left a literal A to Z tutorial for life behind. But the Afghani cannot deny what his senses transmit to his brain. He can see, feel, and hear that the West is superior in every way to Islam.
''The West is the best.'' Deep down, the Muslim is well aware of this undeniable fact. The few that do admit that are usually well on their way to apostatize. The majority that's in deniable live a life that's incomparably better to Middle Eastern standards. But that's no thanks to Islam. Reconciling their faith with Western living standards is impossible which manifests an inferiority complex. They enjoy soccer, video games, pop music, movies, and alcohol which is all Western entertainment. Yet they're incredibly zealous for Islam. It's like that one tiny trinket they've been desperately holding on to that forms their fragile identity which they cannot wait to show their idols.
In other words, Muslims have nothing to show for in the West except for Islam which is why they obsess over 'white' people converting to their Arabic faith. What joy they displayed when Andrew Tate converted to Islam! An outsider who happened to be Anglo-American accepted 'their thing'. Especially Western-Muslims suffer from the need for validation. The need substantiates the title of this article.
What's interesting to note is that a new Western convert is always pedestalized. As if our Arab friends unconsciously concede the need for a leader outside their tribe. Especially a native Westerner. This bizarre behavior is truly a sign that Islam is dying, in need of validation from the dominating culture.
The Iranian dilemma.
To be a contemporary Muslim is synonymous with bipolarity because trying to reconcile a barbaric religion with Western culture is impossible. The Iranians are a great example. Iran produces many brilliant scientists despite centuries of Islamic oppression. The Persians always had a knack for astronomy, mathematics, etc.
Iranian scientists discovered that science contradicts the Quran's teachings. Consequently, they do not know what to do with that information because apostasy is undesirable in a state that's Sharia-compliant. When they leave Iran and remain Muslim, they're unable to preach confidently about their theological convictions due to the contradictions between their faith and profession.
The only reason they cling to Islam is nostalgia. It's their childhood, family, and identity. In one of those rare cases where a 'white' does convert to Islam is surely a moment to be celebrated because it affirms their nostalgia from a 'superior' source. This is the case with every Muslim, not just Iranians.
Rebellion against Logos.
Muslims have a culture of recitation. Memorizing the Quran is a show of great piety instead of believing with the heart as Christians do. It's a religion of works. If your good deeds outweigh the bad you'll be accepted into Paradise. Recitation helps with their iman (strength of faith), especially against rational external critique. This is how most Muslims deal with the desires of apostasy.
Not to mention, deceiving themselves into thinking they're the last religion. Of what exactly? Satanism? Nowhere in the Islamic sources can they prove continuity with the Old Testament. In f
act, the Quran confirms the Bible. None of these facts register in the mind of the Muslim because he is rebelling against rationality, against Jesus Christ, the Word of God. Their inferiority complex implies that Islam is not in touch with God's reality. Meaning, as touched on earlier, incompatible with nature, science, technological progress, or any transcendental. If it did, their conscience wouldn't bother them in the form of said complex.
The Apostolic Catholic Orthodox Church never had this problem because it could reconcile with philosophy and science. Better yet, Hebrew history and transcendentals complement each other.",