Psychiatry enables homosexuality.
Why does mental illness skyrocket in the 21st century? We possess the most significant library of knowledge that would make the Library of Alexandria blush if it were a woman. But the more knowledge we seem to gain the more retarded we become as a collective society. We know exercise is good, yet obesity is rampant. We know God is real, yet atheism is surging. Furthermore, we know sunlight is good, yet we stay inside all day. Yet there is a mental illness pandemic.
Homosexuality, transgenderism, and other fetishes are no longer labeled as mental illnesses so Big Pharma can profit from these people. How? Well, whether we label them or not. They're still mentally ill. Which means they still have a desperate need to heal their mind and soul. This need is ''fulfilled'' by expensive psychiatry sessions concluded by an upsell of pharmaceutical drugs to cure their depression and anxiety.
The American Psychiatric Association blames prejudice, discrimination, and internalized homophobia. This is not stupidity. This is genius on their part. By not addressing the root cause of their depression, homosexuality, they'll never be cured—an endless stream of money for Big Pharma.
Sigmund Freud pioneered psychiatry by selling rich American clients, usually Jewish, psychiatric sessions to allegedly cure them of their guilt. The client had to lie down, sit still, and share their deepest secrets. Freud concluded all mental illness stems from repressed sexual desires. And understanding the contemporary times of Freud, it's easy to know where he's coming from.
Puritanism was the culture. A fake form of Christian sexual morality. An extreme form of sexual restraint that is unnatural. Puritanism pushes people to act on their sexual passions in secret. Freud rightly called this out, but his cure is even worse. By pioneering sexual liberation as the cure for mental illnesses, he unleashed entire fields of pseudo-science to normalize sexual decadence like homosexuality. As a result, the Sexual Revolution took place, and consequently, we're dealing with rampant degeneracy which is getting worse to the point of pedophilia and sex with animals.
But I say let them overplay their hand. The counter-reaction will only be greater in aggression and scale. My purpose is to show you none of your sexual desires outside God's moral law are natural. Masturbating, homosexuality, transgenderism, and even ''minor'' fetishes.