The top 5 worst migrants.
Here's a list of the most parasitical migrants in Europe and North America.
Let’s get right into it since Elon Musk’s X throttled this critical thread. I need to elaborate further to show you what the native peasantry of Europe and North America have to deal with daily.
#5 Indians.
The most timid race and least likely to commit savage violent acts. Indians are the weakest race on the list according to statistics. The average Indian height is 164 cm, with an IQ of 75, if not lower. But don’t be fooled by their physical inferiority. Indians are similar to Jews when it comes to thievery, lying, and arrogance. Indians are largely Hindus which means worshipping 330 million demons. Listening to a pantheon of ‘‘gods’’ is a recipe for psychological disaster. Their rational faculties are shut down by the satanic nature of Hindu culture. The Hindu caste system contributes to the Dunning-Kruger effect so many Indians suffer from, especially the higher castes that can afford to invade the West.
Indians migrate to superior Western nations through different means compared to Muslims and Sub-Saharans. Green cards and visas ensure the cancerous multiplicity of the Indian species within the West which is why you so many of them hounding after managerial positions that enable them to hire mediocre or downright incompetent fellow demon worshippers. Their high in-group bias and unhygienic cultic practices that involve animal urine and feces are incompatible with Western standards.
#4 Sub-Saharans
Hands down the lowest IQ on the list. Luckily, the least capable race of infiltration and subversion. Fresh-off-the-boat Sub-Saharans are extremely volatile due to the underdeveloped environment of Africa, functional retardation, and lust for carnal nonsense. Matters only get worse when the Sub-Saharan is a Muslim. Sub-Saharans are keen on owning useless consumerist items such as luxury cars or sneakers while neglecting their homeland’s infrastructure. The self-destructive nature of this species is dangerous to European countries because the latter builds for the future, unlike the black invaders.
Sub-Saharan Muslims are even worse. Take all of their bad traits but on steroids thanks to the anti-Christian teachings of Islam. You will find no demographic viler than this one because Islam instills a Talmudic-inspired arrogance in the low IQ Sub-Saharan. This race is most useful in causing direct chaos in small European towns. They are the Jew’s stormtroopers.
#3 Somalis.
Technically Sub-Saharans but virtually all of them are Muslim. I already touched on this demographic earlier although I feel it’s important to single out the Somalis since so many infest both the USA and Europe. And not to mention how irritating these people are in the way they carry themselves in public. Their women are obese and ugly, their children are misbehaving and their men lust after native European women. Next to being ugly and low-IQ, they are always on welfare. Somalis are experts in abusing the welfare state. Their numbers are infinite and always a good source of bioweapons to flood peaceful societies with.
#2 Turks.
The highest IQ of them all coming in with 85 points on average. Turks are a mixed bag of races and cultures but alas Europeans get the lowest scum from the Turkish mainland. Turkish migrants are smarter Muslims which is why they get involved in Western politics. Adept at subversion and feigned friendliness as your local kebab shop owner. Turks are potentially the most dangerous on the list since they adopt Jewish infiltration tactics that influence the policies of the Netherlands, for example.
And like the aforementioned demographics, Turks are prone to violence and rape. They are also no stranger to drug trafficking on a massive scale. Combine that with delusional Turkish nationalism while leeching off European benefits. Turks give other bioweapons a run for their money in terms of being insufferable.
#1 Muslims (Arabs, Pakistanis, Afghans).
The average Muslim IQ is between 70 and 90 if we exclude Sub-Saharans. These creatures are incredibly dangerous because they are the apex Jewish bioweapons. Funding from Saudi Arabia enables the construction of mosques (breeding grounds for Islamic terrorists) throughout Europe, especially the UK which is the result of British and Saudi collusion against the interest of average UK citizens. Jewish, Vatican and liberal NGOs solve the logistical problems of importing these anti-Christian savages. Pakistani Muslims are specialized in pedo grooming gangs. Afghans rape animals and children. Arabs do a bit of both and terrorize Europeans with knives, guns, and running trucks through crowded areas.
Islam is first and foremost a political cult intent on conquering non-Muslims. The Quran and Sunnah explicitly state anti-Christian conduct. E.g. how to fight, enslave, and forcefully convert them.
"I have been ordered to fight with the people till they say, none has the right to be worshipped but Allah." - Sahih Al Bukhari vol 4:196.
What is the best deed for the Muslim next to believing in Allah and His Apostle? His answer was: " To participate in Jihad in Allah’s cause. " - Sahih Al Bukhari vol 1:25.
"Strike terror (into the hearts of) the enemies of God and your enemies." - Surah 8:60.
Fight (kill) them (non-Muslims), and God will punish, (torment) them by your hands, cover them with shame." - Surah 9:14.
Muslims come with a prepackaged anti-Christian sentiment which is profitable to the Jews who desire nothing but the destruction of Christian culture. The Jews and Muslims explicitly deny Christian dogma. Muslims are therefore the perfect Jewish proxy warriors in realizing the Talmudic multicultural hellhole on European and American soil.
Im muslim and im pakistani. I sense in you not truth but bias. But you've given yourself a strong illusion of being upon truth.. in your own way much like islamic fanatics and zealots. Im not mad at you, because i know of the colour and grandeur of the reality Im in.. it would be foolish for a person in a garden to be furious at the insults of a person in the desert. Its better to be honest with yourself and inquire whether what you believe is true, or whether its your own egotistical view of reality dictated by your minds whims and desire.