How atheism is mental illness.
When you look back on the greatest civilizations in history, none of them were atheists by any stretch. Atheist outliers would be shunned from the tribe. The Babylonians, Mesopotamians, Romans, Egyptians, and Greeks were all pagans and mostly wrong in their beliefs. They were smart and healthy enough to not even consider atheism as the state religion. It didn't even cross their collective mind. Not even registered.
Many tragic events happened during the Christian periods because of heresy and Roman prosecution, but not even the greatest of heretics went down the path of godlessness. He was simply not apathetic enough. Or brainwashed. Not a single time period since Adam was predominantly atheist. Fast-forward to today, and now the average man claims to be agnostic at best. A fence sitter. Which is not too bad considering the mass demoralization in Western society. You could be worse, a militant atheist, anti-theist.
Out of arrogance and zero self-awareness does the atheist claim: we know better now. We are not like our savage ancestors. We use common sense now.
Apparently, it's more rational and logical to believe that evolution is the answer to all the big questions. And if you don't believe that billions of years can shape human consciousness, you're an unwashed savage. The oblivious atheist's cop-out and sheer lack of self-awareness bring him to the conclusion that the answer for creation is time. A lot of time. Just give something a billion, gazillion years, and eventually, a monkey can paint a Van Gogh. Eventually, science will figure out through AI and algorithms what absolute truth is on morality and progress. This is what you call an appeal to mystery, which the atheists accuse the theists of.
A more common form of the atheist's denial of reality is their so-called independence from a religious crutch. They're strong-willed individuals who don't need a fairy tale to emotionally support them. Religion, especially Christianity, isn't solely an emotional crutch. It's a historical and undeniable metaphysical truth. To deny religion is to deny reality itself.
The atheist therefore lacks a foundation for morality. Without God, morality becomes arbitrary. You can see how this leads to the genocide of unborn babies. Abortion is rationalized as health care. Homosexuality is rationalized as natural. Prosecuting Christians is rationalized as progress. This is why I call atheists unaware. Because of their pride and blind faith in science, they have become slaves to those who control the narrative of mainstream science.
COVID-19 proves my point. We live in a so-called rational and secular society yet 90% jumped on the experimental vaccine that's causing excess deaths. And after their sixth booster, they remain blind. They took the shot and deep down they knew there was no going back, so they doubled down. Or just ignore the issue out of shame. We possess the greatest library humanity will ever have access i.e. the Internet. Yet, the vast majority isn't bothered to seek the objective truth on anything. I blame atheism.
Atheism makes you apathetic, arrogant, wrathful, prideful, nihilistic, depressed, confused and empty. It's not normal to be in any of these states, hence why atheism is a mental illness and should be classified as a clinical disease.