Culture and politics are downstream from theology.
Please, do not confuse this with God-given immortality through Christ. I am talking about the science fiction type. The cyberpunk genre and modern technology instilled a false hope in atheists for a chance of immortality. Global elites such as Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos unironically believe eternal life is possible with the progress of machines.
Many theories have been proposed and explored to achieve this. Theories like uploading your consciousness to a network or a ‘farmed’ physical body that can be genetically designed to the customer's wishes. Maybe a special chip that allows you to live forever as long as nothing physically life-threatening happens to you.
A pseudo-immortal means is already possible. Uploading one’s personality into a computer is then constructed as an algorithm to mimic the deceased person flawlessly. The technology is not perfect, but it is realistic to imagine with the unnaturally quick development of artificial intelligence. Picture a Siri-like computer solely to represent the personality of a dead person. That is already possible. This is but a warm-up for the masses to be comfortable with the idea that no one could really ‘‘die’’.
This method of ‘‘immortality’’ is for the goyim’s mass consumption needs. It’s funny how atheists fall for this because materialists do not believe in, or cannot believe in ‘consciousness’ being uploaded into a database because there is no way to observe the soul or mind. Yet, the idea of living forever gives poor and rich atheists hope. Immortality is the main driver for any person. Be it through memory, legacy, children, technology, or God. This is what all people have in common.
Muslims are motivated by 72 virgins in Jannah. Hindus desire to be reincarnated as something better. Atheists want to ‘chip’ their way into immortality. Christians (who are correct) believe in Christ’s promise of eternal life when everything is made new. All people act as if there is something beyond this life. Even hardcore atheists who believe there is nothing when you die. The fact they’re trying to convince others of their worldview proves that they care enough to persuade people so that mankind conducts its ways according to their standards. Acting as if nothing matters supposedly liberates us from religious constraints. They care enough for the progress of mankind, even in death. How is that not a form of immortal desire?
There is simply no escaping the search for eternity.
“My endeavor is to basically figure out how to not die,” Bryan Johnson
Bryan Johnson correctly said that he is playing the same game everyone else is playing: not dying. He is correct on many things regarding health. Check your blood work, have a steady sleep schedule, eat high-quality food, and use technology to advance human health. These are good things. Johnson’s net worth is around $400 million and he is an atheist. It is a classic recipe to develop a god-complex. What Bryan does not understand, is ignorant of, or simply rejects is the fall of Adam. No matter how optimized or rich you are, you cannot escape death. Mankind defected beyond ‘repair’ through human means. One day the world will end according to Christian eschatology. Atheists scoff at these supposed fairy tales while ironically insisting the world will be destroyed through climate change, meteorite strikes, nuclear warfare, or colliding with the Andromeda Galaxy. So what is the point of immortality exactly when we’re all going to die anyway? Simple. Pure foolishness.
The fool says in his heart, "There is no God’’ - Psalm 14:1
Bezos, Johnson, and Gates are all smarter than you and me, yet they are foolish enough to not see how their philosophies and ambitions for immortality are in vain. It’s all for naught, even from a secular perspective for the reasons I mentioned earlier. But let’s pretend an apocalyptic event will never happen, imagine having to live forever in fear of fatal accidents or murder. Ok, now pretend their body is impervious, like a Terminator robot, you’ll still have to deal with the defects of human nature. These defects extend to animals, plants, and even the entire universe. Lucifer’s fall was of cosmic proportion. Adam’s sin caused death to enter reality. Billionaire vampires would have to deal with a broken world for an eternity which is a hell on its own. Being an invincible, immortal Dracula-like human is a loss, no matter how you look at it.
To clarify, our world is not evil or hell. The future of mankind is not destined to exist in the universe's current state. Men who crave immortality in this world create their own kind of hell. Imagine being ‘‘deathless’’ but still having to deal with anger, envy, paranoia, hatred, uncertainty, arrogance, greed, injustice, vengeance, laziness, boredom, adultery, rape, complaints, impatience, hypocrisy, gossip, theft, and I can go on and on. Vampire inquirers do not think this through. Or they must love the miseries this world offers. The latter is more likely the case for billionaires, not because they acquired an inexhaustible amount of wealth, but their obsession with control. Billions in cash is not evil. A toxic passion for building a worldly kingdom is. The quest for immortality is a desire to become like God which can only end in the way Prometheus is familiar with.
The average goyim will not attain cyberpunk-esque immortality. Magic pills to slow down aging are not going to be for everyone. You are going to work in Amazon spaceships that ship packages back to Earth where the immortal elite will live until the end of times. Yeah, I am not making that up. Jeff Bezos said that a year ago. He wants to house a trillion people one day, but the problem is that the surface of our planet is insufficient. Huge cylindrical spaceships that float in, well you know, space are the solution to overpopulation. You will live in the mega cylinder spaceship, goy!
"I would love to see a trillion humans living in the solar system… The only way to get to that vision is with giant space stations… The planetary surfaces are just way too small." - Jeff Bezos in an interview with Lex Fridman
Scaring the public with climate change, and apocalyptic visions of the Earth’s polluted destiny are small steps to convince consumers how cool off-world living is going to be. Literally like the movie Blade Runner, bro! Behind closed doors, Bezos and co plan to turn Earth into a pseudo-Garden of Eden where death does not exist (among the elite) and a tropical holiday is celebrated 24/7. If you’re one of the lucky goyim, you can book a trip to Earth as a way to escape hell in space, I mean, your living quarters.
Just take a shuttle and visit Earth…
"Same way that you might go to Yellowstone National Park" - Jeff Bezos in an interview with Lex Fridman
Immortality and space exploration are the idols of atheism. Bezos’ vision is a ‘‘theology’’ shared by elite colleagues and the average goy who doesn’t go to church. Ultimately, it is what drives them. Bezos stepped down from Amazon’s CEO position to focus on Blue Origin, which is going to facilitate his tropical Dracula lifestyle due to ‘‘some sense of urgency”. I am reminded of the atheist’s creed: One day science will fix death. One day science will demystify the universe. One day science will make philosophy obsolete. They cope by appealing to the mystery of science which atheists accuse theists of all the time but with God. This is your brain on the quest for immortality.
I’m one of your Catholic readers and I just wanted to say keep up the Herculean work. You have an important message in this age of decay.
To wit, why would anyone want to live forever alongside all of the assholes down here on earth.